What Are the Best Tips for Inflatable Boat Repairs

Inflatable boat repairs are a necessary task since they are prone to have small leaks, as well as cracks along the seams and where the boat is folded for storage. Another common area that is damaged on these types of boats is the hull. These repairs can be an easy task if a few simple tips are followed, and if proper steps are taken during moving and storage.

Small leaks are the most common type of the inflatable boat repairs that will have to be performed on a regular basis. In order to find the problem areas, if they are not apparent, placing the raft into a tub full of soapy water is the best way. When the pin hole gets submerged the mixture will bobble as the air escapes, allowing the correct areas to be marked for repair. After all the holes are marked, use a patch kit and seal them up. Make sure to follow the directions found on the patch kit to ensure that the pin holes are fixed properly. When tiny pin holes are found during the inflatable boat repairs process, make sure to fix it with the exact material that was used during the manufacturing process as well as the same color so that the patch will blend into the rest of the boat.

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